Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America
“A courageous and important book… a clarion call for justice and freedom.” -Malcolm Boyd, Episcopal priest, author of “Take Off The Mask”
“Finally, we have a book that beautifully reveals the spiritual struggles, the terrible pains, and the legitimate hopes of the Christian homosexual person. I urge every American Christian to read it.” – Dr. Lewis B. Smedes, author of “Shame and Grace”
“Lesbian and gay Americans live in a war zone, battling for our rights and even for our lives. If you aren’t convinced, read Mel White’s “Stranger at the Gate”. Then pass on your copy to a heterosexual friend or member of your family. This moving story–part autobiography, part personal manifesto–could win new friends and allies in our fight for justice.” -Peri Jude Radecic, Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
“Even for those who cannot share his conclusions, Mel White’s story is illuminating, challenging, disturbing and heart-wrenching.” -Philip Yancy, author of “Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants”
“Mel White is one of the great prophetic voices of our time. His voice is a unique and important one in American Christianity. I have been enriched and blessed by it.” -Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America”
“Mel White’s book reads like a page-turning whodunit. His careful recounting of the rise of fundamentalism in America is both chilling and enormously instructive.” -The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire
“Mel White reveals the frightening plan of fundamentalist Christians to ‘reconstruct’ American democracy into a theocracy, a plan that is currently supported by the White House and many in Congress.” -Jimmy Creech, UMC pastor tried and defrocked for marrying a gay couple; Author, Adam’s Gift
“Mel White explains how this war against gays also is also a war against our American government, an attempt to change our democracy into a theocracy, and thus threatens not just gays but all of us. I hope this book will alert the public before it is too late.” -John J. McNeill, author of The Church and the Homosexual
The Miracle of Molokai: She prayed for a Miracle. Then she became one.
Twelve-year-old Margaret Kaupuni had just danced before Honolulu’s 1934 May Queen. As she left the steps a health inspector grabbed her wrist. “You are a leper, child, and you will come with me.” At the leper receiving station she was positively diagnosed and sent to Kalaupapa, the leprosy settlement on Molokai.
On that lonely prison island for thirty-four years, Margaret watched her dreams die and her own body scar and shrink from the disease. There her twenty-two-year-old sister, another patient, died in the pounding surf. There, over the decades, Margaret watched her three afflicted husbands die. There her newborn children were taken from her arms and shipped to foster homes on Oahu. There she dressed the sores of the living and closed the eyes of the deformed victims of a disease the ancient Egyptians called “death before death.”
Then in 1969, her leprosy arrested at long last, Margaret was released from Molokai and moved into a small one room apartment in the high rise slums of Honolulu. Once again surrounded by poverty and despair Margaret dreamed a new dream. She would spend the rest of her life caring for her fellow outcasts in the Oahu Towers.
This is the inspiring true story of Margaret the Miracle of Molokai who faced suffering most of us can’t even imagine however instead of giving way to grief and anger Margaret spent the rest of her life relieving the suffering of others. Let Margaret’s story give you strength to face your own suffering and at the same time plant a new dream in your heart.
The Jonestown Massacre – What We Must Not Forget!
November 18, 2018: the 40th anniversary of the Jonestown massacre. On that dark day in 1978, nine hundred and nine Americans died of cyanide poison in a jungle village named after the pastor who deceived and then murdered them. Understanding how and why they were deceived could save your life or the life of someone you love.
Mel White, ordained minister, seminary professor, and professional filmmaker, relocated to Berkeley for six months following the Jonestown Massacre to interview survivors and families of the victims to try to understand how this tragedy happened. With some changes and updated understandings, White’s book has been republished in 2018 with the clear lesson: What We Must Not Forget.
Grace and Demion
“This intriguing fable would make an excellent animated movie or video — go for it!” Tony Campolo, Ph.D., popular speaker, sociologist, author
“Brave and innovative. Amazing new way to bring hope to GLBTQ people rejected by family and friends because of those miserable Bible passages used to condemn them.” -The Rev. Ken Martin, MCC Elder
“A stirring fable and a paradigm-shifting look at what it means to be a ‘sodomite.’ The Majesty doesn’t care who we love but we can’t spurn a stranger without becoming sons & daughters of Sodom.” -Jay Jarman, Pastor, church planner, children’s advocate in Hawaii
“An absolutely brilliant concept to illuminate the corners of darkness in people’s minds! I was blown away by it. What a source of comfort and help it will be in counseling LGBTs or their families. I found it mind expanding!” -Harold Kameya, founder Asian Pacific Islander PFLAG
WATCH Mel White read from “Grace and Demion”