Thank You For Partnering with Us!

Gary and I want to thank you personally for supporting our website during this very important time in American history. With all the volunteer help, there are still expenses. None of the funds donated go to us. All go into making our web page stronger!

Fundamentalist Christians are hard at work trying to rob us of the rights and protections we have earned. We’re hoping this web page will help you RESIST the Christian right and at the same time provide you films, books, blogs that will inspire and inform your resistance.

I am currently doing justice and sharing encouragement, strength, and hope through my books, films, interviews, blogs, and email presence.  From my many years on the front lines of justice, standing up to power and helping others to stand, I have written a comprehensive guide to conduct safe, well-organized and effective demonstrations and the how to’s of non-violence and voluntary suffering for freedom.  This, along with an audiobook of my bestseller, “Stranger At The Gate – To Be Gay and Christian in America” are both given freely on this website, along with a continuously re-freshened content, thanks to the care and talents of our web site editor, JD Sebastian.

Your donations will help us expand even further in being a positive and guiding force for justice in our country.  Your partnering with me allows us to bring Soulforce to our country and to our world, at such a time as year 2019 in the United States of America.

Gary and I send you our warmest smile.  Thank you for granting us the privilege and joy of working together with you.

Mel White and Gary Nixon's Website Outreach

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